
My name is Raj and I'm a Big Motorcycle Enthusiast. My obsession for motorcycle's are on a different level. Anyways my site is all about Motorcycle's and it's essential's like Riding Gears, Oil, Lubricant's, and So on.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

3:42 PM

Riding Gear

Well, we all love to ride motorcycles specially boys. Riding your motorcycle on a broad road talking to air, this feeling is something you can’t explain in words. But these days’ accidents are increasing in a rapid rate, it’s not always your fault it can be someone else, it’s not in your hands but your safety is. What talking about is people love ride they love to show their skills specially boys who’re always ready to take their motorcycle to its limits without thinking about the roads, their safety and other people on the road. Whether you’re an amateur in riding or a professional you need a good riding to protect yourself not only from crash injuries but also from sun burn, precipitation or debris. Riding gear also keep the rider warm, cool or hydrated and express the rider style and his social identity. Now even the riding gears are improved so much that they support the platform for wearable or embedded devices like intercoms, GPS, Cell phones and mounts for helmets.
Well the above we discussed about what is riding gear for and why should buy them, now let’s talk about all different gears and there uses. But first we talk about its major purpose in detail which is ‘crash protection’.


Crash protection

The first gear which comes in our mind if we think about crash is ‘helmet’ right. As people always give the helmet priority, I’m not saying we shouldn’t, we should but we also have to understand that with helmet other riding gears are too important. We say advertisement everywhere for wear helmet and you ride safely but helmet can’t protect our whole body. So helmets are important but with that other riding gears like jackets, leathers, boots, and gloves to cover our entire body form injuries.

Now the second point is how a riding gear can protect a rider 

from weather. Let’s find out


Riding gear is the most protective garment and gives you proper protection from the wind blast you face while riding and protect you from every kind of weather. These garments keep the rider cool, warm and dry either with insulation and ventilation. Well there some motorcycle armor which is minimalist in design they only serve to protect you from crash, while some are intended to be combined with other clothing.


Riders think that wearing the gears will make them look stupid and uncool (teenager's) they think riding like a squid make them look cool and popular among people, But the truth is it only makes them look stupid and makes other people to think that all the riders are same but it's not true at all. So riding gears manufacturers always keep appearance in their mind and provide a rider good looking jackets, boots, helmets, and gloves keeping the riders fitting and comfort on point so the rider won’t face issues while riding in different climatic conditions. Riding gears comes with tons of modifications option so if any rider is not satisfied with the designing or any other he can customize it by himself. Motorcycling accessories industry is showing growth and that’s the reason now the motorcycle manufacturers making their own brand accessories and selling them around the world so that the rider can match up with the beauty he’s riding.

Other purposes

If we talk about what else can a riding gear provide us, well riding gears can provide you variety of pockets for holding up your digital devices and communication devices like smartphones, GPS, navigation devices. You can setup your wired two-way communication device through specialized clothing. It also include the helmet mounted displays along with the visor's that protect your face from wind blast.

Now let’s straight talk about then gear’s and the first one is as we all can guess…


Well we all now helmets are made to protect our head, now according to a study  45% percent of all impacts to motorcycle helmets occur around the face and chin. So if you’re buying an open face helmet or three-quarter type helmets so be careful as this type of helmets won’t protect you from these impacts. If your face hits the surface at speed I bet you want to be wearing a full-face helmet. They also protect you from wind blast, bugs and protect your face from sunburn. Now day’s modular helmets are becoming popular, since they provide the convenience of a three-quarter helmet but the protection of a full-face helmet. If we talk about the helmets life then according to manufacturers helmets have a five-year life. After that the materials that provide impact absorption can begin to degrade, it gets a straight impact on performance of helmet when it counts. So always choose the right helmet for the kind of riding you plan to do, as street helmets and dirt helmets are purpose made and they will protect you better in their own environment.
Helmet-Full face-Gear-motorcycle


After helmet the second important gear is jackets, well all gears important but our focus goes to these gears first. So Motorcycle jackets are made of leather or textile. Manufacturers use high-quality materials of textile which are able to resist abrasion as strongly as leather, the textile jackets also include the water-resistant membranes which are capable of keeping you dry in bad weather. The other benefit of textile jackets is that they’re more affordable then leather jackets. But that doesn’t mean that leather jackets are not capable of protecting you, in fact leather jackets are more durable but they’re not adjustable for comfort in all kinds of weather as you can’t wear leather jackets in hot summer. Motorcycle jackets come with you won’t find elsewhere, as they’re doubled up to protect the stitching from abrasion and increase the strength. These jackets designed to fit in high-speed wind blast so they won’t flap round, they’ve adjustable air vents. They also have body armor and impact absorbing material that cushions your most vulnerable parts in a crash (if you know what I mean). Now some jackets feature zipper around the bottom, or at the back but if your jacket zipper doesn’t match up with your pants then just go to your local tailor. Choose your jacket carefully considering your weather that you’re most frequently riding in.


Well here I’m talking about your regular jeans because they will not protect you in motorcycle crash, Trust me I’m telling you this with personnel experience. Cotton has less than a quarter of the abrasion resistance of leather or good textile pants. Riding pants that are made of textile are made from cordura, which is the name brand for a high abrasion resistance type of nylon fabric. Jeans can offer you more abrasion resistance but they still compromise as they can’t provide you the protection of true riding pants. Same as jackets riding pants are made of textile and leather and are equipped with the armor in the hips and knees. They should fit you but on the other side they’re comfortable. Choose them wisely.


If you’re an Indian rider then I guess I don’t have to tell you the struggle of Indian roads, unpredictable surface that surprises you every time you ride. Now just think about the weight of your bike, you’ll need to support that weight through your legs, ankles and feet on slippery, uneven roads. Now only for this reasons alone, a sturdy pair of boots with oil resistance, good ankle support and non-slip soles should be considered minimum.  Your normal footwear will not give provide support to your toe and ankle , as a result if you had a crash that normal footwear of yours would not be able to prevent the twist. So the best riding boots will prevent that twisting, with help of strong heel and toe boxes which reduce the force of impacts to those areas. Armor over the ankle and shin protects those areas.


The human’s hands are very fragile. And unfortunately they’re the first thing to touch down in any crash.  This is a defense mechanism in our body it signals to the brain and our hands sacrifice themselves to save our head. So good gloves always protect your hands and cover your hands completely, as they’re made of abrasion-resistant materials and strong protecting stitching. Always make sure to check stitching of gloves before buying as if the gloves have uneven stitching and thin leather they will give up on impact. These gloves have armor at the base of your palm and this is where your hands will land in a crash.


So, always make sure to buy riding gears with your motorcycle and be careful and choose your gears depending on your surroundings.

Monday, January 6, 2020

12:41 PM



Hi everyone…, hope you guys doing absolutely fine.
When we talk about motorcycles or superfast bikes or even cars we always thought about having  a good ride with friends or great drive with family and you know in today’s time everyone’s own a vehicle at least one whether it’s a car or a motorcycle which we use in day-to-day. But there’s one thing we always ditch and that is maintenance of our vehicle, People usually ignore this as they think it’s not necessary until the vehicle breaks down. We just have to understand the simple fact that like we humans need a monthly check-up from doctor to insure that we’re fit and not need any kind of medication same as that our machines also need maintenance ones in a month or two month so that your machine can work properly without any kind of problem. Like humans have heart which pumps blood to the brain and to our whole body to same machine have heart we call it engine which needs to lubricate ones in a month for a healthy life of a engine.

It’s not a big task to change the oil of the engine ones in a month but you should be careful about the engine oil’s as they are kind of different from one another, They’re variety of engine oil’s  for different engine requirement’s so it’s good to have knowledge about lubricating oil’s.
So here it is..

What is lubricant

Well, lubricant is a substance which is usually organic and it’s introduced to reduce friction between surfaces when they contact. As we all know when we start our vehicle’s engine it started to get heating up and this organic oil works here as it reduces the heat generated when the surface’s of engine move it. Lubricant helps to maintain the temperature of engine from getting excess heat or get excess cold. For example in winters lubricant heat’s the engine so that when we leave our vehicle outside all night and start the engine the next morning it will start the engine immediately as lubricant provide the heat to engine all night and as same as in summer it cools the engine so that engine won’t break down and can work smoothly.

Like I said above there’re different types of motor oil, so here they are.

Types of motor oil

There are generally four types of motor oil. 
motor oil-lubricant-engine oil

·       1-  Full synthetic motor oil
2-   Synthetic blend motor oil
3-   Conventional motor  oil

    4-   High mileage motor oil


     FULL SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL- Vehicle’s that demand peak level of performance and high level of lubrications  full synthetic oil is for them. This oil provides the higher levels of viscosity, oxidation and thermal breakdown. Full synthetic oil fight against the oil sludge and helps to improve fuel efficiency and also can increase the vehicle’s horsepower by reducing the engine drag. It’s usually for super cars, exotic cars and for heavy vehicle’s as the synthetic oil cost two to four times more than regular oil. If you live in a super cold or very hot climatic conditions or you use your vehicle for heavy works like towing and all then the synthetic oil may be the best the type of oil for your vehicle. But always take a advice from a technician before using it.

lubricant-full synthetic oil-motor oil-castrol

Synthetic blend motor oil- like his name “Blend” this oil has many characteristics of full synthetic oil but at much lower prices. As I said above the full synthetic oil is very expensive made you think twice before using it. So synthetic blend is a mixture of synthetic and conventional base oil’s and also have some additives for resistance and lower-temperature properties. This oil makes easy for driver’s to switch from conventional to synthetic oil. This is the main reason that synthetic blend oil is becoming popular among today’s drivers. This is the best option for drivers who want better performance and health of their motor but at price they can afford.

lubricant-motor oil-shell-castrol-engine oil

             Synthetic Blend Motor oil

Conventional motor oil- there’s not much to talk about the conventional oil. Basically this is the idea oil for light-duty  and  for old cars with low to average mileage and a basic engine. That’s it this how simple it is.

lubricant-motor oil-engine oil
Conventional Motor Oil

High mileage motor oil- now I guess you people get a idea about this oil with his name but anyways  I’ll tell you. Like the conventional oil this oil helps older motor’s to run smoothly like it minimizes  the leaks and oil seepage and help to reduce smoke and emissions. Basically this oil is designed for cars with more then 120700.8 kilometer.

lubricant-motor oil-engine oil-mileage
High Mileage Motor Oil

I mentioned a term "additives" in my above paragraph, now many people think what is additives don’t worry I’m here to clear your doubts.

Additives –  there’re typically include a few additives in motor oils which can make up to between 5% and 30% of the oil. These additives basically improves the performance of the oil. Now additives are of different types, there are total nine types of additives which is .

Additives-engine oil-lubricant

·         Antioxidants
·         Anti-wear agents
·         Detergents
·         Dispersants
·         Foam inhibitors
·         Friction modifiers
·         Pour-point depressants
·         Rust and corrosion inhibitors
·         Viscosity-index improvers

Antioxidants-  this additive helps in slowing down the forming of deposits in motor oil and also slow the oxidation.  They help to keep the engine clean and extend the life of the motor.

Anti-wear agents- well this additive is like a protection suit for the engine ( suraksha kavach) as we say in Hindi. Anti-wear helps to protect parts of the engine, this act as a protective layer around the components like cylinder walls, lifters, cams, and piston rings. This protect the parts of engine damage from high temperature’s and also limit friction in metal-on-metal situations.

Detergents- now don’t get confuse this not your regular with which you wash your clothes. This detergent focuses to preventing rust, corrosion, and deposits for forming on the piston ring area, surfaces that lend to overheat, and piston under-crown.

Dispersants- I’ll tell you in a simple language it gives your ability to absorb and hold solid contaminants so that  they don’t  damage the engine. Many  people say it’s a magic ingredient in the oil.

Foam inhibitors-  foam inhibitors  keep motor oil from forming foam and bubbles, if they form then the oil be unable  to coat the important parts of the engine oil and keep it cool.

Friction modifiers- you can get idea what they do from its name but its my duty to tell you, so they help to reduce the friction when the engine is operating under high temperatures and with performing with heavy loads. And this additive  also help to maximize  the fuel efficiency.

Pour-point depressants-  This will help to prevent the wax particles in the oil from hardening in cold weather conditions. As a result, the motor oil flows freely in low temperatures, super cold conditions . with this additive  engine doesn’t struggle to pump it.

Rust and corrosion inhibitors-  This additive create a protective layer over the engines internal parts and protect  them from rust and corrosion when they’re exposed to acids and moisture.

Viscosity-index improvers- basically  this additive helps the engine oil to perform well in fluctuating temperatures.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

11:43 AM

Top 5 Bikes Under one lakh In India

                                        Top 5 Bikes (2019)

Hi everyone,  I hope you guys doing absolutely fine.  So Today I'm Gonna write about the Top Five Bikes which you can buy in India Under Just One lakhs. 

As we all know the Indian motorcycle market is rapidly growing and lots new bikes are coming every and many brands which were not in Indian market before. But they are making their debut but we'll discuss about that later.

Today's topic is Top Five Bikes Under One lakh:-

SO, Here's My List and All the Information you'll need to know.

 Bajaj makes his place in my list in 5 spot

5- Bajaj pulsar 150 (ABS) ( Rs.92,648 )
India's third largest Two-Wheeler manufacturer and also   the gate opener for sports bikes India. pulsar has been         the first choice of youngsters in terms of sports bike as     they provide not only looks and sporty feel but also offers   good comfort, sporty performance, mileage and features.

 Bajaj pulsar 150 Offers you the engine Displacement of
149 cc out of 150 cc ( which is same almost)

The Max power you'll get is - 13.8 bhp @ 9,000 rpm

Maximum Torque - 13.4 Nm @ 6,000 rpm

No. Of Gears you'll get is - 5

Mileage is around - 65 kmpl (which is very good)

In front you'll get Disc brake type and in Rear you'll get Drum brake type. Wheels are alloy which looks really nice as you can see in picture. ( you'll get a option for dual disc but you've to pay extra for it.)

Now if I talk about the weight of the bike then its around 143 kg's of kerb Weight which is not that heavy and feels light around corners.

Chassis Type of the bike is Double Cradle ( I mean what else you want in this price segment)

Well Top Speed is 110 kmph ( which is enough for the 150 cc)

You'll get tubeless Tyre both front and rear

Fuel tank Capacity is 15 liters ( which is again a merit of this 150 cc pulsar)

If we talk about features what this pulsar offers well here are those:-
You'll  get Digital Odometer and speedometer, you'll get fuel Guage and with this you'll get Analogue Tachometer.
stand alarm as well and a low fuel indicator. Impressive for this price segment Two-wheeler. And yes I'll forget to tell you that this bike is available in 7 colour Option. 

The 4 place is given to Honda

4- Honda CB Hornet 160R (STD) ( Rs.92,661) 

Honda is world's largest manufacturer of Two-Wheeler's. Honda is mainly known for it's scooter's Named ( Activa ) which is very popular in India and for it's commuter bikes also. They manufacture scooters,Commuter and Sports bikes in the price range of Rs.45,329 to Rs. 27.77 lakh.

Honda CB Hornet 160R offers the engine displacement of 162.71 cc out of 160 cc ( which is good as it offer more then 160 cc ) P.S Honda has a big heart....❤

The Max power it offers is - 15.04 bhp @ 8,500 rpm

Maximum Torque is - 14.76 Nm @ 6,500 rpm

No. of Gears are - 5

It offers the Mileage of - 60 kmpl (approx.)

Both the Brakes Got disc which makes the brakes better in daily riding conditions and the wheel type is Alloy which is pretty nice.

The weight of the Motorcycle is light as it weigh - 140 kgs
(which makes it good in corners) 

Chassis is - Diamond-Type Frame

It offers the Top Speed of - 110 kmph ( As it's a commuter not a sports bike so....)

Tyres are Tubeless

Fuel Tank Capacity is little low I would say it's a - 12 Liters tank ( it would've been good if they offer 15 liters but that's okay)

Now talk About it's features:-

It has Digital Odometer,Speedometer,Tachometer and Tripmeter. and with this Fuel Guage,Low fuel indicators and Clock ( enough for a commuter I would say)

And Yes it's available in 5 colours . So you can choose your's. 

One's Again Bajaj is taken the third place in my list.

3-Bajaj pulsar NS160 (Rs.94,106)

Like I already told you people about Bajaj. So I'll not waste your time and Directly tell you about this eye catchy all-rounder.

Bajaj Pulsar NS160 offers the displacement of - 160.3 cc out of 160 cc ( which is almost same just a minor difference).

The Maximum  Power - 15.3 bhp @ 8,500 rpm

Maximum Torque - 1406 Nm @ 6,500 rpm

No. of Gears - 5

As I said it's a all rounder, So it gives more sporty feel and you can feel it's 160 cc engine power and moreover the looks of this pulsar is very aggressive. You'll definitely enjoy this baby everytime you ride her. The mileage is slightly on a lower side as it offers a great pickup the mileage is around 45 kmpl (approx)

It has Dual disc brakes ( depends on which varient you're buying )

Beautiful Alloy wheels. looks very nice

It weighs - 142 kgs which is not that heavy as it maintains a great balance and you wont feel any hesitation around corners  or while taking this baby to it's limits.

It offers the Perimeter Frame Chassis.

Top Speed is around - 111.2 kmph (approx)

It has Tubeless Tyres 

Fuel capacity is - 12 liters ( quite Low I would say )

Now get into it's features Let's what it offers..

Well it offers the Digital Odometer,Speedometer,Tripmeter . Analogue Tachometer,Fuel Guage , Low fuel indicator, low oil indicator , low battery indicator, shift light,kills switch and clock.

(The Bajaj NS160 is more premium in terms of both pricing and it's features)

Hero took the second place in my list 

2- Hero Xtreme 200R (Rs.91,900)

Hero Motocorp Ltd, Formerly Hero Honda, Is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world also in India. Hero is known for it's commuter hero splendor and sports bike like Hero Karizma. This company manufacture bikes in the range of Rs.38,900 To Rs.1.05 lakhs.

It offers the Displacement of - 199.6 cc out of 200 cc

Max Power it offers - 18.1 bhp @ 8,000 rpm

Maximum Torque - 17.1 Nm @ 6,500 rpm

No. of Gears - 5

It gives you 40 kmpl of Mileage ( which is low I know But it's a 200 cc Dude )

It offers Dual Disc Brakes ( depends on varient)

Has Alloy Wheels ( looks good)

Weight is slightly on a heavier side - 148 kgs ( but it's a commuter not a sports bike so you wont face any issue)

Diamond Type Chassis.

It offers the Top Speed Of - 114 kmph ( but power is not that you wont feel that rush , So that was disappointing)

Tubeless Tyre's 

Fuel Tank Capacity Is Low - 12.5 liters ( which is again in the lower side )

Now time to know it's feature's..

It offers the Digital Odometer, Speedometer, Tripmeter.
And Fuel Guage,Low fuel indicator, low oil indicator , low battery indicator, kills switch and clock. ( good in terms of features But if you looking for power then it's not gonna fulfill your expectations) 

T.V.S has topped the list and take first place in my list

1- T.V.S Apache RTR 160 4V (Rs.99,950)

TVS motors is a best Two-wheeler company in India, Offers best Scooters,cheapest Moped And Sports bikes. TVS bikes offers bikes from Rs.29990 To 2.28 lakhs.

This beauty Offers the displacement of 159.7 cc out 160 cc engine.

The Maximum Power is - 15.8 bhp @ 8,250 rpm

Maximum Torque - 14.12 Nm @ 7,250 rpm

No. of Gears - 5

It offers the Mileage of - 45 kmpl ( which is good as it delivers you the best feel of power in daily rides )

Both brakes are Disc ( depends on varient ) . Wheels are Alloy ( which looks absolutely great )

Weight of this beauty is - 143 kgs (approx)

It gives you the Double cradle split synchro STIFF Chassis ( which is great Trust me )

Tubeless Tyre's.

Fuel tank Capacity is - 12 liters ( but it's justified with it's looks )

Now talking about features...

Everything is Digital Odometer, Speedometer, Fuel Guage, Low fuel indicator, Low oil Indicator, Low battery indicator , Kills Switch and clock everything on Digital screen.

If you want a sports which you can Ride daily on roads this is the perfect bike. It's a complete value for money gives speed,power,comfort,looks perfect for a teenager and those who loves to ride with style.

That's it for toady...THANK YOU
11:42 AM

Upcoming Bikes In 2020

First Of All.........wishing everyone a very Happy New Year..I hope you guys have a fantastic year.

Well, 2020 is here and with that New babies Too. I'm Talking about bikes that are expected to launch in 2020 which I'm really excited about. In today's Blog I'm writing about motorcycles which are launching in Month of January and February ,So people who planning to buy a great ride for them can make up their minds that what exactly they gonna buy. So I'm covering the bikes under 5 lakhs of segment so you can choose what you want.

So first bike I'm gonna write about is KTM 390 Adventure

The KTM 390 Adventure is expected to launch in January. the 390 Adventure is KTM's most awaited motorcycles now the Wait is finally gonna over. 

-So this motorcycle will be powered by a retuned 373cc engine

-India Launch In January [2020]

-Officially unveil at EICMA

This 390 Adventure's closest competitor, the BMW G310GS, Which makes it more of a tourer than an adventure motorcycle.

The motorcycle will be a version of the 373cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine that the 390 duke uses. Along with this the KTM 390 Adventure will be equipped with a Bluetooth-enabled TFT display and also  get a ride modes with ride-by-wire throttle system.

India will be the first country to get the 390 Adventure and is likely to become the most expensive single-cylinder KTM to be sold in India with a price tag of (Rs.3,20,000-Rs.3,50,000) (expected price).

The Second bike which I'm gonna write about is by the CFMoto 400NK

CF moto has revealed it's future plans For India which includes the addition of four more motorcycles by next year in which the 400NK is one of those bikes.

-CF moto is all total have seven motorcycles in it's portfolio by 2020

In which they already launched the four motorcycles in the month of July-August, They make their debut by  launching the four motorcycle's at the same time. Those included the 650NK, 650GT, 650MT and the 300NK. 

These were the part 2019 portfolio, Now the CF moto is planning to launch it's three more motorcycles in India by 2020. This range will consist of the 400NK, 400GT, and 300SR. Now we talk about the 400NK basically it's street fighter with it's naked body and muscular fuel tank it signifies it's character .

This 400NK is powered by the 400cc parallel-twin, liquid-cooled engine that produces 40bhp and the torque of 34Nm.

If we talk about it's competition the 400NK will compete against the KTM 390 duke and the BMW G310R.

This CF moto 400NK will be launch at the price tag of (Rs.2,40,000-Rs.2,60,000) (expected)  (feb 2020)

The third bike I've eyes on is the Husqvarna Vitpilen 250

The Swedish bike maker Husqvarna will be taking its India operations with the Vitpilen 250 and the Svartpilen 250. The two bikes are made solely for India and will be Launched in early 2020.

The Vitpilen 250 is a cafe racer which uses the KTM 250 Duke as its base. The 250 Vitpilen is the same 248.8 cc single-cylinder engine that produces the 30bhp at 24Nm.

The Husqvarna is will be launched in India with the expected price of (Rs.2,20,000-Rs.2,50,000).

The Fourth is the Benelli 502 c

The Benelli 502c will  be launched by 2020. I also come to Know that there are no plans to localise the 500cc bikes under benelli's lineup in India. 

The specifications will also be the same as the models sold in international markets.

This Benelli is powered by the two-cylinder 500cc engine with  the power of 47.58PS @ 8500 rpm and the torque of 45Nm @ 5000 rpm.

This Benelli 502c will compete with the Harley-Davidson street 750 and the Kawasaki Vulcan S.

The expected price of the Benelli 502c is(Rs.5,00,000)

The Fifth is the Kawasaki Z400 

The Z400 is the naked version of the Ninja 400 currently offered om Kawasaki's product portfolio.

Expected to launch in march 2020

This Kawasaki z400 is powered by the 399 cc, two-cylinder engine at 38Nm @ 8000 rpm.

The expected price tag for this beauty is (Rs.3,90,000-Rs.4,40,000)

That's all for today, Folks ...

Party Hard...

Happy new Year ones again.........